
It's Been a Whirlwind

 To say that the last 2 weeks have flown by would be an understatement.  It almost feels like a blur.  We are quickly winding down and I needed to write this last post because I know that I won't write again, here in New York.  There is so much to do before we can head home but these last two weeks have been fabulous.  We started out with a District P-Day at the Energy Zone.  The missionaries had a good time.  We have been there with a couple of other groups of missionaries but none of these missionaries had been.  Of course, they have fun whatever they are doing. Afterwards we went to The Trackside restaurant inside the old Train Station.  The food was great and afterwards we gave them each a freshly made bag of caramel corn. (I've been trying to use up my pantry) L-R Elder Alex Cowie, Sister Teli Okusi, Elder Bruce Mortenson, Elder Kevin Cox, Sister Ashley Cluff, Elder Joe Prado, and us That evening we went out to West Winfield to see our s...


 Have you ever explored a cave?  A big cave?  We had the chance to go to Howe Caverns about 2 hours East of us on our P-Day.  We had bought tickets to go and then our care broke down so we had a chance to re-schedule and it was pretty fun.   Howe Caverns is named after farmer Lester Howe, who discovered the cave on May 22, 1842, after noticing that his cows frequently gathered near bushes at the bottom of a hill on hot summer days. Behind the bushes, Howe found a strong, cool breeze emanating from a hole in the Earth. He went down into the cave and started exploring.  It is huge.  They opened it to tours and it has grown into quite a tourist trap.  It's always 52 degrees in the cave so we were really glad to have our jackets.   There are wildflowers everywhere here.  The roadways are spectacular to say the least.  We have had such a beautiful summer with lots of rain.  It's green and lovely. And the skies!  And the clouds!...

What Does MLS Look Like?

 People wonder, and sometimes ask what an MLS missionary does.  What do our days look like?  Well, to tell you the truth, each of our days look a little different.  This past week was a really good week to show you what a MLS mission is for us. When we were in Ward Council, our Primary President had her hand all wrapped up and it was swollen and bruised.  Asking her what had happened she told us that she had a cyst removed but this was worse than she thought it would be.  It's her right hand and she is right handed so you can imagine.  I texted her Monday to see how she was doing and she was a mess.  I asked if we could come mow or weed or bring her dinner.  She told me that she had tomatoes that needed to be made into sauce.  I told her we would come Tuesday morning and help her.  Tuesday morning she was in a bit of a panic.  She was worried that her house was a mess and she wasn't ready for us to spend the day in her kitchen....

More Lighthouses along Lake Ontario

 Our week started out different this week because our P-Day would be on Saturday instead of Monday.  We stuck close to home, working on things for the ward and working on the bulletin boards that we were doing outside the Bishop's office and in the Relief Society room.  They turned out great.  One is divided into thirds with the names of Jesus Christ as the center.  We placed pictures of Jesus with all the names we find in "The Living Christ".  On the left, we did Book of Mormon Stories - Who's Your Hero.  We put pictures of some of our favorite Book of Mormon heroes with a scripture that speaks of them.  On the right, we put Follow the Prophet, the temple, and the covenant path.  It looks a little busy, but we like it. The biggest and best part of the week was our Zone Conference.  We love when we are with the Elders and Sisters.  This was big because it was our last Zone Conference.  Not sure how the time went so fast.  ...