It's Been a Whirlwind

 To say that the last 2 weeks have flown by would be an understatement.  It almost feels like a blur.  We are quickly winding down and I needed to write this last post because I know that I won't write again, here in New York.  There is so much to do before we can head home but these last two weeks have been fabulous. 

We started out with a District P-Day at the Energy Zone.  The missionaries had a good time.  We have been there with a couple of other groups of missionaries but none of these missionaries had been.  Of course, they have fun whatever they are doing. Afterwards we went to The Trackside restaurant inside the old Train Station.  The food was great and afterwards we gave them each a freshly made bag of caramel corn. (I've been trying to use up my pantry)

L-R Elder Alex Cowie, Sister Teli Okusi, Elder Bruce Mortenson, Elder Kevin Cox, Sister Ashley Cluff, Elder Joe Prado, and us

That evening we went out to West Winfield to see our sweet friends, Norma and Nancy. They bought Olive Garden for dinner and we spent time feeding the catfish in their pond and hanging out in Norma's home.  They have become such dear friends and they are sad to see us leave.  We will miss them for sure.
Wednesday was transfer news.  We found out that we would be getting a couple of new missionaries and the Herkimer Elders would become part of our District. That brings us back to 12 missionaries in our District.  After we had the transfer call we had a mission wide Zoom call for departing missionary testimonies.  We had three Sisters going home and then we bore our testimonies.  It was powerful and hard all at the same time.  We have loved being missionaries and serving with these amazing young missionaries.  We have built such great friendships and it's hard to say goodbye!(not a great picture but sent by a friend)
We were invited to dinner on Thursday by friends that were going out of town and wouldn't be here when we leave for home.  It was right before our last Book of Mormon class.  The food was great and it was fun to see these friend and give them a hug. 

Our Book of Mormon class was powerful.  We ended our time in the class with Moroni 10.  We talked of Moroni and of the promise he made.  The Spirit was strong and we loved being with them one last time. We will miss teaching our class.  It has helped us to grow and love the Book of Mormon even more.  

Friday was our last day of service at the food pantry.  It has been the most wonderful experience working with such beautiful Christian people.   After service, we found ourselves at transfers because there were some missionaries that we really wanted to say goodbye to.  These Sisters have a place in our hearts.  Sister Hafen and Sister Erickson trained in Rome.  The other Sisters we met at District Councils and Zone Conferences and we fell in love with them as well.  We will miss them.  We love them.
After transfers we headed home.  I had some things to make for our Saturday RS breakfast.  I had told the Sister in charge that I would help out by making some apple cider donut muffins.  The recipe made so many.  We made regular sized muffins and 24 mini muffins.  They turned out delicious. I also made an Enchilada casserole for our Sunday potluck and a batch of pumpkin cookies. (Yes, I do cook a lot)

Saturday morning, we got up, walked a bit and headed to the church.  I had told the sister in charge that I would make the muffins and pumpkin pancakes.  I got there early and mixed up the pancake batter.  When she walked in, she didn't have anything in hand.  I asked if we were having anything else and she said no.  What???  I was doing was everything.  Well, that was a surprise.  I thought I was just helping but instead, I did the whole breakfast. LOL!  We had plenty and she did bring apple cider and milk.  

Saturday afternoon, we went on the Erie Canal Cruise with Dave and Joanne Morgan and Rod and Lori Anne Jones.  It was a beautiful day.  We sat on the very front of the boat and wore jackets because it was a bit chilly.  We had wanted to something special as we wind down our time here.  We have become rather attached to these people and they to us.
L-R Us, Dave and Joanne Morgan, Rod and Lori Anne Jones

Afterwards, we went to dinner.  Dave gave us a eulogy of sorts-or maybe a testimony of how we were an answer to his prayers. That we were sent exactly at the time we were needed.  It was sweet and not without a few tears.  We love these people.

That night we put things together for our Sunday potluck green salad and fell into bed.

Sunday was church and our potluck.  It was a really nice day.  The speakers talked about the importance of having prophets on the earth and how blessed we are to have General Conference coming up.  Mike taught Sunday School (he had actually asked the SS teacher if she would give one of the prayers in Sacrament meeting and she said she was sick and asked him to teach her lesson). Potluck was great.  They enhaled the enchilada casserole and Mike and I didn't get any.  That's okay.  We had some other food. 

Monday came and we spent another P-Day with our District.  They wanted to have one more before we leave. This time we brought our lunches to the park and then we played pickle ball.  Mike and I have never played before and I must admit, we were both kinda hooked.  We aren't good by any means but could become better if we practice. 
Front L-R Elder and Sister Park, Sister Okusi, Us
Back, L-R Sister Cluff, Elder Schwarz, Elder Prado, Elder Cowie, Elder Mortenson, Elder Aguilar, 
Elder Czirr

On our way home we just had to stop at the Clinton Cider mill for our first taste of apple cider donuts for this year! Can I just say-YUM!
One of our favorite things we did this week was heading to Seneca Falls after our District Council on Wednesday.  Super Couples were coming from all over our mission for a Super Couples Retreat. We have 10 couples in our mission and we are blessed to know these amazing people.  We stayed in two different houses just about 6 miles apart.  We met together for dinner and dessert and a game.  I actually made a batch of Half Moon Cookies for two reasons: One, to get rid of the last of my buttermilk and two, to give them a taste of Utica. Needless to say, they were a hit.  We had a getting to know you game and I took a picture to remember this time together.
Back row L-R Us, Elder Park with Sister Park in front of him, Elder and Sister Moss, Elder Johnson with 
Sister Johnson in front of him, Elder Allred with Sister Allred in front, Elder Podwys with Sister Podwys
in front, Sister Richardson with Elder Richardson in front, the couple to the left middle are
Elder and Sister Robison, front row, Elder and Sister Jorgensen and Elder and Sister Connolly

We stayed up way too late but what a great time.  Thursday morning we woke to an amazing view from our bedroom of the sunrise over the lake!

We had breakfast and then a mission wide zoom call discussing what the missionaries had learned about Moroni from our assigned reading.  We were asked to read the Title Page, Joseph's testimony in the Introduction of the Book of Mormon about Moroni's visit, Joseph Smith History, The Book of Ether, Mormon 8 & 9 and all of the book of Moroni. 
I can't tell you how insightful these young missionaries are.  We were on the call for more than an hour with them sharing what they learned and what they feel about Moroni and Joseph and all that took place.  Afterwards we had free time to do whatever we wanted to do.  A few of us went to Watkins Glen.  We have been there a couple of times but the others had not so we went along for the fun.  Watkins Glen is a gorge that has a pathway that runs a little over a mile with 19 waterfalls along the way.  The water was running a bit low but was so pretty!
L-R Us, Elder and Sister Connolly, Elder and Sister Moss
After hiking for a while and seeing all of these wonders of God, we hopped in the car and headed back to Seneca Falls to grab some lunch at Sauders.  Sauders is a huge Mennonite store about the size of Walmart.  It has everything you could dream about buying there. Their produce is unreal.  Their sandwiches were unreal!  They sell jams and jellies, furniture, home decor, candies of all kinds, the have a huge meat and deli and lots of things you can't even imagine. We bought one sub sandwich to share! It was huge!
That evening, we had the opportunity to meet with President and Sister Gentry in Palmyra for dinner.  She made her famous chicken enchiladas and we had chips and homemade salsa, green salad, and carrot cake for dessert.  This will be our last time with the Gentrys.  We love these people.  They are simply amazing. Afterwards we were able to attend a fireside commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the Angel Moroni's visit to Joseph Smith.  What a wonderful day it was!

On Friday, we had to be checked out by 10:00.  We decided we needed to head back into Palmyra for one last meal at the Palmyra Chill and Grill.  Elder and Sister Connolly came with us and it was fun to spend one last time with them. Just as a note: Palmyra Chill and Grill has THE BEST onion rings, hands down, that I have ever eaten.  Just sayin!

We decided to take one more walk into the Sacred Grove.  These places have a deep place in our hearts.  Saying goodbye, and leaving have been harder than we every thought.

We also stopped by the Whitmer Farm so we could watch our favorite 4 minute video ever!  I think Whitmer Farm is the only place you can see it.  It is about the growth of the church and it is amazing.
On Saturday, we said goodbye to more friends.  And we packed some bags and boxes getting ready for next week.

Today was a hard day.  It was our fast Sunday and the testimony meeting turned into a Jolley eulogy.  Everyone paid tribute to us.  Some brought cards, a gift or two, and the ward members put together a small quilt that had notes written by everyone.  My head was aching and my eyes have been burning all day.
We ran to West Winfield to be with Norma and Nancy one last time.  Their extended family was visiting and they wanted us to meet them. We had some dinner with them as well.  Nancy had an extremely hard time as we drove away.  Why are goodbyes so hard?

This week will not be much different.  Monday we will be with the Morgan's and Joneses one more time. And Tuesday we will have lunch with our Sisters and our ward is throwing us a "surprise" party on Tuesday evening.  They had sent out invitations to everyone and then decided they should let us in on it so we would show up.  It will be a nice, almost last night.   Mike is packing.  We have been cleaning our little home, I need to create one more flyer for the Ward Trunk of Treat before I pack up my computer.  Thursday will be here in the blink of an eye.  We are excited and sad all at the same time.  We have absolutely loved our time here in Upstate New York. We feel so blessed with an abundance of love and beauty and friendships that will never be forgotten. 

Next post will be from Pleasant View, Utah! Love you all!


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