Time just seems to be marching forward. How is it possible that we are into April? But here we are. We hit our one year mark on March 28th. You know what that means don't you? We are now less than 6 months to go. And we have heard from all the missionaries that the last 6 months just flies by! This week was also transfers. It is always hard to say goodbye to Sisters and Elders who have wiggled a place into your heart. We try to take them for ice cream the day before they move. This time we lost Sister Zimmerman and Elder Winn. But, we also know that we will get two new, wonderful missionaries to take their place.
Our Sister Erickson is teaching a 6 week Astronomy class and it was wonderful. It was a little bit of a hot mess because the Atwood kids, who are really smart, wanted to answer every question or make continual comments. More than that we had one lady who asked the most off the wall questions. Sister Erickson was a champ but once it was over she was a mess. She is pretty shy and really went out on a limb but she handled it great. We learned about light, and why light is so important to the Universe and creation.
We had a beautiful lesson at our Book of Mormon class. We gave the lesson we had planned a few weeks ago but had to do an emergency change because Robert was coming to see what it was all about. So we prepared to teach 3 Ne 24-26 again, about Malachi and tithing and the whole Elijah coming to turn the hearts of the children to the fathers and the fathers to their children. Just before we were getting ready to leave, the sisters called again and told us there would be another "friend" at the class. This time we didn't change the lesson. I was worried that we might drive a new friend away with the doctrine of tithing but it was great and she was good. Since then, we have seen her a couple of more times.
We met with our former Branch President and his wife, and the Joneses for dinner on Friday and then played games into the evening. We want to keep in contact with these wonderful people who made such a difference in our lives. We love them.
So as Conference weekend came closer, we got more and more excited. We (the ward council) had decided to broadcast all sessions at the church for those who maybe couldn't watch it at home. (Believe it or not, there are lots of people here with no-I mean nada-technology so coming to the church was a no-brainer. We had some hoagies and salad for those who would be there all day. Remember, we are two hours behind Utah so our sessions were noon, 4:00, and 8:00 p.m. It made for a long day for sure. We had 10 people, then 8, then 3 but it was great.
Sunday was even better. I got up and made cinnamon rolls to take for the beginning of the first session. Needless to say, they were delicious and everyone loved them! I mean, what's not to love? We had 32 people come to the morning session. Afterwards we had a potluck dinner. Then everyone left and we ended the last session with 8 people.
We loved Conference! We are amazed at how much the messages meant for us. We love how so many referred to Palm Sunday and the significance of that Holy Day. We love our Prophet and the Apostles. I am so excited that Emily Belle Freeman has been called as the Young Women General President. There are many of the talks that I would consider favorites and I can't wait to go back to read them again.
Being missionaries is not easy. Missing family and events at home is hard. Our basement is flooding with all the snow and water and will probably continue flooding for the time being. We are thankful that our kids are taking care of it the best they can. We can say that we are completely blessed in so many ways. We know the Lord is mindful of us and our family. We are so thankful to be some of His missionaries at this time. We love watching our new converts progress in the gospel. Our Mission Leaders always talk about twice in white. That means, as soon as you can after they are baptized, you get them to the temple. As of right now, we are on the calendar to do baptisms on the 15th. We are super excited to get these three new people to experience the temple. We have been working with them to find names on Family Search so they will be taking their family on this journey with them.
We love you all! Thank you for your love, support, and prayers. We know that Jesus Christ is our Savior, and that at this beautiful Easter season, we celebrate His Atoning Sacrifice for each of us. We hope you have a beautiful Holy Week!
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