Follow the Yellow Brick Road

 If you could follow the yellow brick road, where would it take you? If you think about it, the yellow brick road leads to endless possibilities-but in the end, it leads us home-and we all know "There's No Place Like Home".  We're talking about HOME!  The place that awaits each of us when we pass through this life.  Home to loving Heavenly Parents who, I am sure, are waiting with excitement for that day, cheering us on along the way, and pleading for us to do what is necessary to make it safely.   We are so very thankful for a beautiful path that leads us home.

We have had a wonderful week-full of lessons, a class, a party, a meeting or two, and a waterfall. We'll start with the waterfall.

We decided that we would head out to Chittenango Falls.  I have been wanting to learn how to get those photos where the water is blurry and milky. Well, you have to have a tripod for the camera and I have three-all of them back in Utah.  We ran to Walmart and bought one and then headed for the falls.  The other thing that is necessary is not any direct sun but as you can see by the blue sky-there was plenty of sun.  We played with the camera, waited for a couple of clouds and got a few shots.  Not really what I would show to anyone, but hey, it's a learning process.  While we were playing with the camera, I noticed three young men on the side of the river, looking for rocks to throw into the river-because isn't that what guys do?  Well, all of a sudden, they were coming across the bridge and saying hi to us.  Three amazing Elders, also on their P-Day.  In fact, they are the Assistants to our Mission President.  They had seen our name tags and then realized it was us.  They are so kind and totally made our day!


We hiked up, out of the gorge and found a little fall that was in shade so I tried again.  As you can see, on the left, maybe I will get the hang of photographing waterfalls.  It's a good thing we have lots of waterfalls in the area and about 15 months to practice.

After being at the waterfall we ran into the Village of Chittenango.  It's a quaint little town.  It is where L Frank Baum was born.  If you are a Wizard of Oz fan, he is the author.  The town's sidewalks are painted yellow, you know, like the story.  There is a little museum which is only open on W-F afternoons and Saturday so we didn't get to go in-but I got a picture through the window.  They have a big Oz Fest once a year and I guess it's quite a party.

We also had the opportunity to help one of our members learn more about Family Search and how she can add memories to preserve for her children and grandchildren.  Did you know that you can also record your stories in your voice, in Family Search.  The church is amazing at helping us preserve our memories for our posterity.  Check it out.  After we were done helping her we went to a little farm where they have U Pick strawberries.  We weren't out to pick a huge amount but it was fun seeing families out picking and little kids with red strawberry juice all over their faces. Look how pretty these little berries are.
Wednesdays are always our District Council - which we love.  After we were done with DC we ran to one of our member's homes and Mike helped her by putting together a new lawn mower and weed trimmer. Once those were done he saw other things that she needed help with. He yanked out an ivy vine that had completely taken over her furniture on her deck.  He also put together a portable fire pit, put up a wheelchair ramp for a couple of fat Pomeranians who can't get up the back steps, and then he moved some outdoor furniture for her.  It was a really warm day but it was so great! He's amazing.

Thursday was our Book of Mormon study group.  We studied and discussed 2 Nephi 32 - feasting on the words of Christ, and pray always!  What does a "feast" look like to you?  Like Thanksgiving dinner?  And what do you think is different in "feasting" and "snacking"?  We invite you to choose something in your spiritual life that you are snacking on and turn it into a feast.  We promise that your life will change when you choose to feast on the words of Christ.  It was another awesome evening.  I made some cookies that our Melanie makes that reminded me of a "feast".  They were an absolute hit!
We had such a fun Branch cookout.  Mike and I hosted at our friend's home.  We had burgers and dogs, potato salad, baked beans, watermelon, chips, and potluck desserts.  My homemade potato salad and baked beans were a complete hit.  We played games and ate and ate.  It was so good being together in a relaxed and fun atmosphere.  We were tired at the end of the day-but so glad we put it together.

We have had some cold weather. In fact, we were under a tornado watch on Thursday. Saturday we had to turn our heater on.  We have been able to walk each morning and I grabbed a photo of some gorgeous roses with rain drops on them and the leaves.  

We hope you have had an awesome Father's Day.  We love you!  We pray for you all and we are praying for rain for you as well.  We are thankful for the opportunity to wear the name of Jesus Christ on our hearts.  We know He lives and that He is in charge of this work.  We love Him.  We hope you have a beautiful week-filled with adventures- and remember, follow the yellow brick road-it will lead you to the most magnificent place ever!



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