Trains and the Liahona

 Our week always starts out with our P Day.  We look forward to this day because we try to get a little adventurous.  This past week we ventured into Utica.  We have heard that Utica is a little sketchy- a little dangerous.  But we went anyway.  We actually started in Whitesboro to go to our first Farmer's Market.  Well, the harvesting season isn't here yet so we were wondering what they would be selling.  It was in the small town square and they had beautiful flowers to buy.  Flowers to enjoy in your home and flowers to plant.  There were fresh eggs, home grown honey and maple syrup, bagels, wine, jewelry, and a few food trucks.  It was fun.  We didn't stay long but had the chance to look around!After the Farmer's Market we drove into Utica.  The train station was our mission.  We had been told that it was like taking a step back in time.  We found a place to park and we headed into the station.  Wow.  Beautiful.  It is all marble and the old benches that held those who were traveling by rail for decades.  Actually, there are still a lot of trains that come and go there.  People ride to NYC and to Chicago and all points in between I guess.  As you can see-we weren't disappointed. It is a beautiful building!

We went to the Holy Trinity Catholic Church and were disappointed that we couldn't go inside.  Our friends had told us how beautiful the interior is.  Sorry that we missed it.  But we got pictures!  Of course we got pictures.  And not just that church but a bunch of others too.  There are churches everywhere here.

This week was transfer week!  We had a zoom call on Tuesday morning where the missionaries going home bore their testimonies to the entire mission. It was sweet and tender.  These Elders and Sisters love serving and it's hard to say goodbye.  We have a new Elder in our District and a brand new Sister that just arrived in New York. We are excited to get to know them.
We've had a lot of rain which just keeps things so green here.  And a little colorful!  I think one of my favorite flowers are Peonies.  How do you say it? Pee Own Ee's or Pia nees?  I say PeeOwn Ee's!  But that just me. Anyway you pronounce it-these bloom are just plain gorgeous!
Thursday was our Book of Mormon study group.  We learned from 1 Nephi 16 and Alma 37:38-47.  We learned about the Liahona and how the Lord gives us direction and comfort in our hard times.  I had thought about making cookies that look like a compass, cupcakes with a Liahona on the top, but settled on popcorn balls made out of delicious caramel corn.  They were a hit.  And they were so yummy!
We love visiting with our people.  Sometimes we do that in their homes, sometimes on the bleachers at a ball park, sometimes on the front porch, and sometimes on the phone or by text.  We are so thankful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  This week it has been brought so fully to our minds how thankful we are for a living prophet.  We know that Russell M Nelson is the prophet of God on the earth today.  That he is the mouthpiece for our Savior, Jesus Christ, and that he is the prophet of the continuing restoration. We are forever thankful for our Heavenly Father's perfect plan of happiness and for our Savior's amazing grace that blesses us and lifts us every minute of every day.  We love the Holy Ghost who bears witness of all truth and who gives us words to say when it's appropriate, and stops our words from coming when we are to be silent.  He is an awesome companion in our lives.  We love you all!  Thank you for supporting us and for praying for us.  It means so much.


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