Baby It's Cold Outside

There is a kind of cold here that we aren't used to.  We can't seem to get warm.  The cold goes right through you.  And our little 150+ year old home doesn't help.  We are either roasting or freezing.  There doesn't seem to be a comfortable spot.  I am constantly putting a jacket on and then taking it off.  The weather is beautiful though.  It has been warm (so they say) on some days but they keep telling us winter will hit again. Normally it's supposed to be in the negatives right now so the teens and twenties are a bit of a heat wave.  

Our week was a busy week.  We started off making cookies on Monday to deliver around to folks in our ward!  Cookies are a great "Hello, it's nice to meet you" thing.  Our District Council had been moved to Tuesday because President Gentry was doing interviews with the missionaries.  In between Districts, he took us to lunch.  He is so kind to treat us and it's always so nice to have 45 minutes with him just to visit.  He is inspiring.  After lunch we got in the car and headed to a dentist appointment.  Mike had lost part of a filling at dinner on Friday night and luckily we were able to get in quick to have it looked at.  The caveat in all of it is that this dentist (who is a member of the church and takes care of a lot of the missionaries) is an hour and a half away from us!  He is almost to Palmyra.  So off we went.  We spent a couple of hours waiting while he worked on his other patients.  Mike is going to either have to have his tooth pulled or have a root canal. It's weird because everything was fine when we left home 9 months ago.  We feel so blessed to have been seen quickly and now will figure out (with the consultation of our dentist at home) what step we should take. 

On Wednesday, we had the chance to make a few visits and then, by chance, had the opportunity to pick up one of our darling less active YW and bring her back to Rome with us for YW.  Her parents trust us to let her ride with us and it looks like it may become a weekly thing.  We are keeping our fingers crossed for that.  It just means a 30 minute drive to pick her up and then another 30 to take her home.  We are willing to help with that.  Baby Steps with this family are always a good thing.  The YW had a wonderful time together and it was fun watching them dance and sing and play.

We taught our Book of Mormon class on Thursday.  Probably my favorite evening of each week.  We taught in 1 Ne 18 about the completion of Nephi's boat, personal revelation, and heading for our "promised land".  It was a great lesson and we had really great participation.  

Friday we did some more visiting and had a great time meeting some people who we have met at church but still wanted to make contact with them.  We actually ended up at our former Branch President's home and they invited us to stay for a potluck that their little senior community has each week.  It was a nice little bonus.  Along the way we found some of the most beautiful frozen landscape. It's interesting that it will be snowy in one place and two miles away there is nothing.  But I just couldn't resist grabbing a few photos. We headed home early because we had a very early morning the next day.

The alarm rang at 5:20 so that we could get ready to head to the temple.  It was our quarterly ward temple day and the youth were going for baptisms.  We met at our church and off we went.  We had two sisters in our car with us and we were going to do endowments.  It snowed almost the whole way there and was so pretty. The temple was warm and cozy and so peaceful.  I'm so glad we had the chance to go.
The rest of the day was a trip Walmart and home.  I was nursing a scratchy throat that seemed to be getting worse.  Great!  I don't have time to be sick.  There is so much going around.  Sure enough, I woke up Sunday morning with a massive headache, pressure in my ears, a sore throat and a cough.  I stayed home from church-which I hate and slept most of the day.  We were supposed to have the Sisters for dinner that evening but didn't want to share anything with them.  And I didn't feel like entertaining anyway.  Mike is such a dear and takes such great care of me.  We have a busy week ahead so wish me luck.  We are thankful to be missionaries.  We are blessed beyond measure and we love you all. Have a wonderful week.


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