The Temple-Their First Experience

 This past week has been a beautiful week but the end of the week was the best of all.  On Saturday, we took a trip to Palmyra to do baptisms with Robert and Katie Atwood, and Jack Weismore-all brand new members of the church.  We knew that it would be a bit crowed in our little Rogue so we rented a car from the airport.  We had much more room and it made the trip better.  The temple is about an hour and 45 minutes from our home so we would be gone most of the day.  We picked up the Sisters and headed to Oneida to pick up Jack.  The Atwoods were bring Lori Jones to watch their kids while we were inside the temple.  The Atwood's had found a few names on Family Search on their family tree and we took a few names too.  Jack is funny, he likes to sit in the back and observe.  He doesn't like to "do" and he had even said to the Sisters, "Wait!  I have to do stuff?"  And they told him, yes, he would need to do stuff.  We found his grandma's record for him and told him that he could baptize one of the Sister's for his grandma and he was excited about that.  Well, we got him in the font and Mike baptized him for 5 names which he didn't expect and then Sister Taylor got in the font and Jack baptized her for his grandma and 4 other names. Guess what?  He liked it.  And he did a pretty good job.  He had to do a couple of the names over but that's how we learn.  Next was Brother Atwood's turn to be baptized and Mike asked Jack if he wanted to do those baptisms too and he jumped at the chance.  He really loved doing the baptisms.  (Which is good because he had asked the Sisters earlier in the week if he had the power to do an exorcism! Oh dear! They told him no-we don't do exorcisms haha)

Robert then baptized Katie for 5 names and Sister Erickson for 5 names. It was such a beautiful thing to watch.  He had to be taught a bit too-about saying each and every word-but you don't have to tell Robert too many times before he has it down pat!  Afterwards, Mike confirmed all of them and the Spirit was so strong.  Especially with Katie.  The tears started coming into my eyes and when she came and sat back down next to me, I leaned over and asked if she could feel them? Her people? And she started to cry.  What a magnificent experience. Mike asked them how it felt to not be the only members in their family anymore. We are so thankful for the saving ordinances of this gospel.  The gospel changes lives and brings such joy.  It is so amazing to watch the change in countenances when gospel principles are lived.

The rest of our week was good too.  The Sisters brought a new lady that they are teaching to our Book of Mormon class and she came to church.  She was raised in a very very Baptist home and congregation so this is all pretty new to her but she loves everything she sees and hears.  She even brought money to church to donate. She makes comments in the classes and is so cute.  We are excited for her to learn and grow.  We taught Ether 1 and 2 about Jared, his brother, and prayer.  It was a great lesson.

We are learning so much from Sister Erickson in her astronomy class.  We love that President Gentry always teaches our missionaries to use their talents to teach the gospel.  They use all kinds of things to draw people to hear and accept the gospel.  She has an obsessive kind of love with the creation of stars and is so good at bringing scripture and gospel principles into her class. We are learning a lot. 

We spent time at the food bank on Friday, helping to build 50 boxes of food for the people who are so dependent on the help.  Most of the food is donated by two local grocery stores and the boxes usually get salad mix, potatoes, fresh veggies and fruit, a bakery treat, lunch meat, pork and beef, and two or three loaves of bread.  It just depends on what comes from the stores.  They give boxes away every Friday and Saturday and then feed a meal every Saturday for lunch.  They also have bread give away days on Tuesday and Thursday.  We work just one day a week for a couple of hours.

We love that Spring has come to NY.  Actually, we had several days in the 70's and 80's but now we are back into the 40's and 50's. But, we have flowering trees, bushes, and flowers so that is wonderful.  The grass is starting get greener (It's always green in NY) and people are out working in their yards. We love our morning walks through our neighborhoods. 
We hope your week is wonderful.  We have a blessed week ahead of us and I can't wait to tell you all about it in our next post.  We love this work.  We love our Savior, Jesus Christ.  We love being missionaries in New York.  I can't tell you how it feels every time we head to Palmyra and know that all those beautiful things that Joseph Smith teaches us, really did happen! They happened here! They are glorious.  It is hallowed ground.  We know that Joseph is the Prophet of the Restoration. We love him!  He leads us to Jesus Christ and we love Him! What an amazing time to be alive.  


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